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Hadrian's Villa

Model has been made in 3ds Max for HADRIAN'S VILLA REBORN project.

Reconstruction of the retreat villa constructed by Emperor Hadrian, at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli).
Hadrian's Villa is a vast area of land with many pools, baths, fountains and classical Greek and Roman architecture set in what would have been a mixture of landscaped gardens, wilderness areas and cultivated farmlands. The complex of the villa contains many structures from different cultures. 
The model of the architectural ensemble is divided and presented into parts. 

Stadium Garden

Model has been made in 3ds Max for HADRIAN'S VILLA REBORN project
Number of polygons: 1 063 742

Maritime Theater

Model has been made in 3ds Max for HADRIAN'S VILLA REBORN project
Number of polygons: 414 260

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