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Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill

                                            Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill

Models were made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

Number of polygons: Forum Romanum – 6 460 482, Capitoline Hill – 5 592 573

Two projects are presented in a combined form. The models represent a state in the 4th century AD, the era of Constantine.

The following buildings and monuments are presented

               Forum Romanum :                                               Capitoline Hill :

Arch of Augustus                                            Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus                  Arch of Septimius Severus                                     Temple of Juno Moneta

Arch of Tiberius                                                     Temple of Mentis

Basilica Julia                                                           Temple of Veneris Erucinae

Basilica Aemilia                                                       Temples of Fides

Curia Julia                                                               Temples of Opis

Temple of Castor & Pollux                                    Temples of Jupiter Feretrius

Temple of Saturn                                                    Temples of Mars Ultor

Temple of Vespasian                                                Temples of Jupiter Tonans

Temple of Concordia                                           Temples of Fortuna   Primigenia                         Tabularium                                                              Temples of Jupiter Custodis

Porticus Deorum Consentium                             Temples of Veiovis

Carcer                                                                     Temples of Valetudo

Temple of Julius Caesar                                          Tensarum

Temple of Antoninus & Faustina                          Curia

Temple of Vesta                                                       Donarium of Asia

Temple of Janus                                                       Ara Jovis

Regia                                                                        Ara Numinis Augusti

Rostra of Augustus                                               Arch of Domitian

Rostra of Diocletian                                            Auguraculum

Trajanic Anaglyphs                                               Isis Capitolina

Lapis Niger                                                              Romulus Hut

Lacus Curtius                                                         Various domus, insulas and tabernas

Cloacina Sanctum

Marsyas olea vitis

Temple of Venus Victrix

Temple of Fausta Felicitas

Temple of Genius Publicus Romanus

Atrium Publicum

Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Temple of Castor and Pollux
Temple of Castor and Pollux
Basilica Julia
Basilica Julia
Basilica Julia
Forum Romanum
Temple of Vespasian
Temple of Concordia
Temple of Concordia
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Forum Romanum
Curia Julia
Curia Julia
Curia Julia
Basilica Aemilia
Basilica Aemilia
Basilica Aemilia
Basilica Aemilia
Basilica Aemilia
Basilica Aemilia
Temple of Caesar
Temple of Caesar
Arch of Septimius Severus
Arch of Septimius Severus
Temple of Veiovis
Temple of Veiovis
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Temple of Juno Moneta
Temple of Juno Moneta
Temple of Juno Moneta
Temple of Juno Moneta
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Capitoline Hill
Forum Romanum and Capitoline Hill

Forum of Caesar

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 1 850 500
Reconstruction of the Forum of Caesar - the first of the imperial forums. Its construction started by Julius Caesar, completed by Octavian Augustus.
The following buildings are presented:
Portico surrounding plaza
Temple of Venus Genetrix
Basilica Argentaria
Curia Julia (This adjoining building belongs to the Roman Forum).

Forum of Caesar
Forum of Caesar_Pre-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_Post-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_Pre-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_Post-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_6
Forum of Caesar_Pre-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_Post-Diocletianic
Temple of Venus Genetrix_Pre-Diocletianic phase
Temple of Venus Genetrix_Post-Diocletianic
Temple of Venus Genetrix_Pre-Diocletianic phase
Temple of Venus Genetrix_Post-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar
Forum of Caesar
Temple of Venus Genetrix
Temple of Venus Genetrix
Forum of Caesar_Portico
Forum of Caesar_Portico
Basilica Argentaria_Pre-Diocletianic
Basilica Argentaria_Post-Diocletianic
Basilica Argentaria_Post-Diocletianic
Basilica Argentaria_Post-Diocletianic
Forum of Caesar_Latrine
Forum of Caesar_Latrine
Forum of Caesar

Forum of Augustus

Forum of Augustus
Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons:
 3 661 691
Reconstruction of the second imperial forum. It was built by the emperor Octavian Augustus. 
The following buildings are presented:
Portico surrounding plaza
Temple of Mars Ultor
Room of the Colossus
Office of procurator fori

Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Temple of Mars Ultor
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus
Forum of Augustus

Forum of Vespasian

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons:
2 404 065
Reconstruction of the third imperial forum. It was built by the emperor Vespasian.
The following buildings are presented:
Portico surrounding plaza
Temple of Peace
Hall with Forma Urbis (a massive marble map of Rome)
So-called Temple of Romulus

Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Temple of Peace
Forum of Vespasian. Portico
Forum of Vespasian. Portico
Forum of Vespasian. Portico
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian
Forum of Vespasian. Forma Urbis
Forum of Vespasian. Forma Urbis
Forum of Vespasian. Forma Urbis
Forum of Vespasian. Auditorium
Forum of Vespasian. Auditorium
Forum of Vespasian. Library
Forum of Vespasian. Library
Temple of Romulus
Temple of Romulus
Temple of Romulus
Temple of Romulus
Forum of Peace

Forum of Nerva

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 770 745
Reconstruction of the fourth imperial forum.  Its construction was started by Emperor Domitian, but officially completed and opened by his successor, Nerva.
The following buildings are presented:
Portico surrounding plaza
Temple of Minerva
Porticus Absidata

Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Nerva
Porticus Absidata
Porticus Absidata
Porticus Absidata
Porticus Absidata
Forum of Nerva

Forum of Trajan

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 5 152 911
Reconstruction of the fifth, last and largest imperial forum.  It was built by the Emperor Trajan.
The following buildings are presented:
Portico surrounding plaza
Propylon entrance
Entrance colonnade
Basilica Ulpia
Courtyard with Column of Trajan
Temple of Divine Trajan

Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan
Forum of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan. Exedra
Forum of Trajan. Exedra
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Basilica Ulpia
Forum of Trajan. Triumphal column & library
Forum of Trajan. Library
Forum of Trajan. Library
Forum of Trajan. Library
Temple of Trajan
Temple of Trajan
Temple of Trajan
Temple of Trajan. Portico
Forum of Trajan

Palatine Hill

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 16 341 361

The project consists of the following sectors:

Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana

Palace of Tiberius


Area of Victoria & Magna Matris temples

House of Augustus

Area Apollinis

Palace of Domitian

Palace of Severus

Miscellaneous buildings

Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill general view
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Palatine Hill middle distance
Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana
Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana
Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana
Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana
Halls of Domitian & Horrea Agrippiana
Horrea Agrippiana
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Palace of Tiberius
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris
Temple of Magna Matris
Temple of Victoria
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris. Portico
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris. Horrea
Area of the temples of Victoria & Magna Matris. Horrea & Scalae Caci
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
House of Augustus
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Area Apollinis
Temple of Apollo
Temple of Apollo
Temple of Apollo
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian. Aula Regia
Palace of Domitian. Aula Regia
Palace of Domitian. Aula Regia
Palace of Domitian. Aula Regia
Palace of Domitian. Basilica
Palace of Domitian. Basilica
Palace of Domitian. Lararium
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian. Cenatio Iovis
Palace of Domitian. Cenatio Iovis
Palace of Domitian. Nympheum
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian
Palace of Domitian. Basilica Ducenaria
Palace of Domitian. Basilica Ducenaria
Palace of Domitian. Hippodrome garden
Palace of Domitian. Hippodrome garden
Palace of Domitian. Hippodrome garden
Palace of Domitian. Hippodrome garden
Palace of Domitian. Exedra
Palace of Domitian. Exedra
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palace of Severus
Palatine Hill

Circus Maximus

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 3 529 921
Reconstruction of the Circus Maximus - Roman chariot racing stadium and mass entertainment venue located in Rome, it was the first and largest chariot racing stadium in ancient Rome. The model shows the state of the building after the last restructuring, during Trajan.

Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus
Circus Maximus

Temple of Venus and Roma

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 3 609 872
Reconstruction of the Temple of Venus and Roma. It has been the largest temple in Ancient Rome. It was dedicated to the goddesses Venus Felix and Roma Aeterna.  It was built by the emperor Hadrian. It was restored with alterations by the emperor Maxentius.

Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome
Temple of Venus and Rome

Ludus Magnus

Ludus Magnus
Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 597 861
The Ludus Magnus was the largest of the gladiatorial schools in Rome. It was built by the emperor Domitian. It was located near to the Colosseum.

Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus
Ludus Magnus

Markets of Trajan

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 117 644
Reconstruction of the Trajan’s Market.  This complex building is an adjoining part of the Forum of Trajan. Functioned as a shopping mall and administrative offices.


Sacra Via Area

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 1 803 926
This model represents a reconstructed buildings located along Sacra Via (Sacred Street), in the area between the Roman Forum and the Colosseum. 
Components of the model in the direction of the Roman Forum:
Lacus Iuturnae
House of the Vestals
Horrea Vespasiani
Arch of Titus
Temple of Honoris & Virtutis with portico
Curiae Veteres
Meta Sudans

Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Sacra Via area
Curiae Veteres area
Horrea Vespasiani
Horrea Vespasiani
Horrea Vespasiani
Horrea Vespasiani
Curiae Veteres
Curiae Veteres
Curiae Veteres
Horrea Vespasiani
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Atrium Vestae
Lacus Iuturnae area
Lacus Iuturnae
Lacus Iuturnae
Lacus Iuturnae
Temple of Honoris & Virtutis
Curiae Veteres
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Meta Sudans

Markets of Trajan

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 117 644
Reconstruction of the Trajan’s Market.  This complex building is an adjoining part of the Forum of Trajan. Functioned as a shopping mall and administrative offices.

Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Markets of Trajan
Sacra Via Area

Rome Center
(Merged Projects)

Models have been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 48 789 448
Here are shown some projects (which were presented separately above) in the merged version, as such, they represent the center of Rome:
Imperial Fora
Forum Romanum

Capitoline Hill
Markets of Trajan
Temple of Venus and Roma
Sacra Via area buildings

Palatine Hill

Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Rome Center
Merged Projects

Minturnae Capitolium

Minturnae Capitolium
Number of polygons: 774 824
Reconstruction of a part of the republican forum in Minturnae

Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium
Minturnae Capitolium

Theater of balbus

Theater of Balbus

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

Number of polygons: 1 932 517

Reconstruction of the Theater of Balbus , located in the Campus Martius of Rome. It was built in 13 BC by proconsul Lucius Cornelius Balbus.

Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Marcellus

Theater of Marcellus

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

Number of polygons: 1 891 822

Reconstruction of the Theater of Marcellus. It was one of the largest and most important theater in ancient Rome.  It was completed in and inaugurated in 12 BC by Emperor Augustus.

Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Marcellus

Theater of Marcellus

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

Number of polygons: 1 891 822

Reconstruction of the Theater of Marcellus. It was one of the largest and most important theater in ancient Rome.  It was completed in and inaugurated in 12 BC by Emperor Augustus.

Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus
Theater of Marcellus

Theater of Pompey

          Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

                                Number of polygons: 4 635 117

Reconstruction of the Theater of Pompey. It was the largest and first permanent theater to be built in Rome. It was built by Pompey the Great.  Construction completed in 55 BC. In addition to the theater itself, the complex includes the Temple of Veneris Victricis, the Portico with garden and the Curia of Pompey, where Julius Caesar was murdered.

Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Curia of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Theater of Pompey
Odeon of Domitian

Odeon of Domitian

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 856 724

Reconstruction of Odeon of Domitian – theater building on the Campus Martius in Rome, used for plays and musical competitions. Built by Emperor Domitian in imitation of Greek odeons.

Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian
Odeon of Domitian

Stadium of Domitian

Stadium of Domitian

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project
Number of polygons: 1 761 650

Reconstruction of the Stadium of Domitian. It was located to the north of the Campus Martius in Rome. The Stadium was built by the Emperor Domitian. It was used mostly for athletic contests.

Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian
Stadium of Domitian

Model has been made in 3ds Max for HADRIAN'S VILLA REBORN project.

Reconstruction of the retreat villa constructed by Emperor Hadrian, at Tibur (modern-day Tivoli).
Hadrian's Villa is a vast area of land with many pools, baths, fountains and classical Greek and Roman architecture set in what would have been a mixture of landscaped gardens, wilderness areas and cultivated farmlands. The complex of the villa contains many structures from different cultures. 
The model of the architectural ensemble is divided and presented into parts. 



Number of polygons: 24 494 201

Baalbek Reborn was created through a collaboration of the German Archaeological Institute, the General Directorate of Antiquities of the Lebanese Ministry of Culture, and Flyover Zone.

The following buildings and monuments are presented:

Temple of Bacchus

Temple of Jupiter

Great Court

Grand Altar

Small Altar

Hexagonal Court


Semicircular plaza with altars

Temple of Muses

Temple of Venus


Hexagonal Court
Hexagonal Court
Hexagonal Court
Hexagonal Court
Hexagonal Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court
Great Court Altars
Great Court Altars
Great Court Altars
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Temples of Bacchus & Jupiter
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Temple of Bacchus
Portico, Temples of Muses and Venus
Portico, Temples of Muses and Venus
Portico, Temples of Muses and Venus
Portico, Temples of Muses and Venus
Temple of Muses
Temple of Venus
Temple of Venus
Temple of Venus
Temple of Venus
Semicircular plaza
Semicircular plaza altars
Semicircular plaza altars

Acropolis of Athens

Acropolis of Athens

Acropolis of Athens

Number of polygons: 9 257 901

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ATHENS REBORN

This is a project of Flyover Zone through a collaboration of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

The following buildings and monuments are presented:


Temple of Nike





Aphrodite Pandemos




Altar of Athena

Zeus Polieus Altar

Heroon of Pandion

Old Temple of Athena ruins

Altars and statue pedestals

Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Acropolis of Athens
Aphrodite Pandemos
Bastion shields
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Temple of Nike
Athena Promachos pedestal
Erechtheion & Parthenon
Altar of Athena
Zeus Polieus Altar & Fence
Heroon of Pandion
Heroon of Pandion
Heroon of Pandion

Caelian Hill Landmarks

Caelian Hill Landmarks

Caelian Hill Landmarks
Number of polygons: 6 250 986

The model represents reconstructions of three landmark buildings on the Caelian Hill in Rome: Temple of Claudius, Macellum Magnum and Ludus Gallicus.

Caelian Hill landmarks
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Ludus Gallicus
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Macellum Magnum
Agora of Athens

Agora of Athens

Agora of Athens
Number of polygons: 11 658 207

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ATHENS REBORN

This is a project of Flyover Zone through a collaboration of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

The following buildings and monuments are presented:


Altar of 12 Gods

Altar of Aphrodite Ourania



Donor’s Monument

East Building

Eleusinion area

Eponymous Heroes

Hephaisteion complex


Middle Stoa


New Bouleuterion


Propylon to New Bouleuterion

Royal Stoa

South Stoa II

Southeast Fountain House

Southwest Fountain House

Stoa of Attalos

Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios

Stoa Poikile

Temple of Apollo Patroos

Temple of Zeus Phratrios & Athena Phratria


Triangular Shrine

Various stelae and altars

Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Agora of Athens
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos, Bema & Donor’s Monument
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Stoa of Attalos
Middle Stoa
Middle Stoa
Middle Stoa
Middle Stoa
Middle Stoa
Middle Stoa
Western group buildings
Western group buildings
Western group buildings
Western group buildings
Western group buildings
Western group buildings
New Bouleuterion
New Bouleuterion
New Bouleuterion
Propylon & Metroon
Propylon & Metroon
Temple of Apollo Patroos & Temple of Zeus Phratrios & Athena Phratria
Temple of Apollo Patroos & Temple of Zeus Phratrios & Athena Phratria
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios
Royal Stoa
Royal Stoa
Royal Stoa
Stoa Poikile
Stoa Poikile
Stoa Poikile
Stoa Poikile
Eponymous Heroes
Altar of 12 Gods
Altar of Aphrodite Ourania
Agora of Athens
Aiakeion & Southwest Fountain House
Southwest Fountain House
Southwest Fountain House
Southwest Fountain House
South Stoa II
South Stoa II
South Stoa II
South Stoa II
South Stoa II
East Building
East Building
East Building
Southeast Fountain House
Southeast Fountain House
Mint & Southeast Fountain House
Mint & Southeast Fountain House
Temples of Diana & Minerva

Temples of Diana & Minerva on the Aventine Hill

Model has been made in 3ds Max for ROME REBORN project

Number of polygons: 2 270 453

Reconstruction of the Temples of Diana and Minerva on the Aventine Hill in Rome, with a portico, an altar and adjoining buildings

Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temples of Diana & Minerva
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana
Temple of Diana. Altar
Temple of Diana. Altar
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Diana. Portico
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Temple of Minerva
Schola scribarum et histrionum
Schola scribarum et histrionum
Porticus of Livia

Porticus of Livia

Porticus of Livia
Number of polygons: 576 410
Reconstruction of of the Porticus of Livia on the Oppian Hill in Rome

Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia
Portico of Livia

Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces

Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Number of polygons: 414 761

Reconstruction of the Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker (Rome)

Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina
Porta Praenestina
Porta Praenestina
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Tomb of Eurysaces
Porta Praenestina and Tomb of Eurysaces
Mausoleum of Augustus

Mausoleum of Augustus

Mausoleum of Augustus
Number of polygons: 466 133

Reconstruction of the Mausoleum of Augustus on the Campus Martius in Rome

Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Mausoleum of Augustus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus

Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus

Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Number of polygons: 228 774

Reconstruction of the Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus on the Esquiline Hill in Rome

Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus
Nymphaeum of Alexander Severus

Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis

Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Number of polygons: 4 557 812

Reconstruction of the Temple of Hercules and Dionysus and the Temple of Serapis on the Quirinal Hill, Rome.

Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis
Temple of Serapis. Portico
Temple of Serapis. Portico
Temple of Serapis. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Portico
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Nymphaeum
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Nymphaeum
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Nymphaeum
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Nymphaeum
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus. Nymphaeum
Temple of Hercules and Dionysus, Temple of Serapis

Temple of the gens Flavia

Temple of the gens Flaviae
Number of polygons: 2 516 466

Reconstruction of the Temple of the gens Flavia on the Quirinal Hill (Rome), dedicated by Emperor Domitian to other members of the Flavian dynasty.

Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia
Temple of the gens Flavia

Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia complex

Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia complex
Number of polygons: 4 637 840

Reconstruction of the Temple of Hadrian (Hadrianeum) and Temple of Matidia on the Campus Martius (Rome).

The following buildings are presented:

Temple of Hadrian


Temple of Matidia


Basilica Matidiae

Basilica Marcianae

Tomb of the imperial family

Altars and fountains

Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Hadrianeum and Temple of Matidia
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Hadrianeum, entrance
Hadrianeum, entrance
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Temple of Hadrian
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Hadrianeum, portico
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia, basilicas
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia, portico
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Temple of Matidia
Tomb of the imperial family
Tomb of the imperial family
Hadrianeum & Temple of Matidia

Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona

Temple of the gens Flaviae
Number of polygons: 1 362 231

Reconstruction of the Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona in the Campus Martius in Rome

Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus and Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Temples of Apollo Sosianus
Monopteros with perirrhanterion
Monopteros with perirrhanterion
Monopteros with perirrhanterion
Temple of Bellona
Temple of Bellona
Temple of Bellona
Temple of Bellona
Temple of Bellona
Temple of Bellona
Temples of Apollo Sosianus & Bellona

Portico of Livia

Portico of Livia
Number of polygons: 576 410
Reconstruction of of the Portico of Livia on the Oppian Hill in Rome



Number of polygons: 7 987 663

Reconstruction of the Colosseum (Amphitheatrum Flavium) in Rome

In addition to the Colosseum itself, the model represents the Hypogeum (structures below the arena and underground).

Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Imperial Box
Colosseum Velarium
Colosseum Velarium
Colosseum Velarium
Colosseum Velarium
Colosseum Velarium
Colosseum Arena

Sacred area of Largo Argentina

Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Number of polygons: 1 642 449

Reconstruction of the Sacred area of Largo Argentina - a group of four temples from the Republican period. The group is directly adjacent to the complex of the Theater of Pompey

Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Sacred area of Largo Argentina
Temple A
Temple A
Temple A
Temple B
Temple B
Temple B
Temple B
Temple C
Temple C
Temple C
Temple C
Temple D
Temple D
Temple D
Temple D
Sacred area of Largo Argentina

Circus Flaminius area landmarks

Circus Flaminius area landmarks

Number of polygons: 7 010 581

Reconstruction of the main religious and public buildings on the Circus Flaminius area, located in the southern end of the Campus Martius near the Tiber River.

The following buildings are presented:

Temple of Mars

Temple of Neptune

Temple of Castor and Pollux

Porticus Philippi with Temple of Hercules Musarum

Porticus Octaviae with temples of Juno Reginae and Jupiter Stator

Two triumphal arches – Arch of Drusus and Arch of Germanicus


Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Circus Flaminius area
Temple of Mars in Circo
Temple of Mars in Circo
Temple of Mars in Circo
Temple of Castor & Pollux & Horreum
Temple of Castor & Pollux & Horreum
Temple of Castor & Pollux & Horreum
Temple of Castor & Pollux & Horreum
Temple of Castor & Pollux & Horreum
Temple of Castor & Pollux
Temple of Castor & Pollux
Temple of Castor & Pollux
Temple of Neptun
Temple of Neptun
Temple of Neptun
Triumphal Arches
Triumphal Arch
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Philippi & Temple of Hercules Musarum
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae - Propylaea
Porticus Octaviae - Propylaea
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae
8.Porticus Octaviae_T.Juno & T.Jupiter Stator_13
8.Porticus Octaviae_T.Juno & T.Jupiter Stator_14
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Temple of Juno Regina
Temple of Juno Regina
Temple of Jupiter Stator
Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Porticus Octaviae, Temple of Juno & Temple of Jupiter Stator
Circus Flaminius

House of the Tragic Poet

House of the Tragic Poet
Number of polygons: 210 766

Reconstruction of the House of Tragic Poet at Pompeii

House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet
House of the Tragic Poet. Entrance & shops
House of the Tragic Poet. Entrance & shops
House of the Tragic Poet. Entrance & shops
House of the Tragic Poet. Entrance
House of the Tragic Poet. Entrance
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Atrium
House of the Tragic Poet. Tablinum
House of the Tragic Poet. Tablinum
House of the Tragic Poet. Tablinum
House of the Tragic Poet. Ala
House of the Tragic Poet. Ala
House of the Tragic Poet. Cubiculum
House of the Tragic Poet. Store room
House of the Tragic Poet. Cubiculum
House of the Tragic Poet. Cubiculum
House of the Tragic Poet. Guard room
House of the Tragic Poet. Study